Page 2 of 5: The Flood to the Exodus, Orthodox Chronology

The timeline is much easier to view and digest in PDF format.  You may also right click the image above and open it in a new window to enlarge it.  Should you wish to print it, the paper size used is 14″ by 40″ so you will either need to reformat it or print it on a plotter.  The original timeline was all on one E size drawing but has now been split into five separate pages.

The Flood to the Exodus, New Chronology (annotated)

See the Sources and the Articles tabs for more detailed information on why specific solutions were chosen on some of the debatable points.

  1. I just published an updated timeline today that you might want to have a look at. It replaces the previous…

  2. Kevin S on Home

    I appreciate your supply of the Judges timeline–integrating both internal and external evidences and then graduating the analysis of those…

  3. Greetings from Glen You write- “The sojourn of the ark in Kirjath Jearim, between its capture by the Philistines and…

  4. Glen on Home

    Greetings from Glen, Australia This is a most interesting site. Encouraged by the new chronology based on a radical down…

  5. Jan on Home

    Thanks Todd for doing this! You showed me this first project in 2005 in Singapore. I am keen to see…

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